Source code for oqupy.correlations

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Module for environment correlations.

from typing import Callable, Optional, Text
from typing import Any as ArrayLike
import functools

import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate

from oqupy.base_api import BaseAPIClass
from oqupy.config import INTEGRATE_EPSREL, SUBDIV_LIMIT

# --- spectral density classes ------------------------------------------------

[docs]class BaseCorrelations(BaseAPIClass): """Base class for environment auto-correlations. """
[docs] def correlation( self, tau: ArrayLike, epsrel: Optional[float] = INTEGRATE_EPSREL, subdiv_limit: Optional[int] = SUBDIV_LIMIT) -> ArrayLike: r""" Auto-correlation function. .. math:: C(\tau) = C(t, t-\tau) \ = \langle F(t) F(t-\tau) \rangle_\mathrm{env} where :math:`\tau` is the time difference `tau` and :math:`F(t)` is the the environment part of the coupling operator in Heisenberg picture with respect to the environment Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- tau : ndarray Time difference :math:`\tau` epsrel : float Relative error tolerance. subdiv_limit: int Maximal number of interval subdivisions for numerical integration. Returns ------- correlation : ndarray The auto-correlation function :math:`C(\tau)` at time :math:`\tau`. """ raise NotImplementedError( "{} has no correlation implementation.".format(type(self).__name__))
[docs] def correlation_2d_integral( self, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, shape: Optional[Text] = 'square', epsrel: Optional[float] = INTEGRATE_EPSREL, subdiv_limit: Optional[int] = SUBDIV_LIMIT) -> complex: r""" 2D integrals of the correlation function .. math:: \eta_\mathrm{square} = \int_{t_1}^{t_1+\Delta} \int_{0}^{\Delta} C(t'-t'') dt'' dt' \eta_\mathrm{upper-triangle} = \int_{t_1}^{t_1+\Delta} \int_{0}^{t'-t_1} C(t'-t'') dt'' dt' \eta_\mathrm{lower-triangle} = \int_{t_1}^{t_1+\Delta} \int_{t'-t_1}^{\Delta} C(t'-t'') dt'' dt' \eta_\mathrm{rectangle} = \int_{t_1}^{t_2} \int_{0}^{\Delta} C(t'-t'') dt'' dt' for `shape` either ``'square'``, ``'upper-triangle'``, ``'lower-triangle'``, or ``'rectangle'``. Parameters ---------- delta : float Length of integration intervals. time_1 : float Lower bound of integration interval of :math:`dt'`. time_2 : float Upper bound of integration interval of :math:`dt'` for `shape` = ``'rectangle'``. shape : str (default = ``'square'``) The shape of the 2D integral. Shapes are: {``'square'``, ``'upper-triangle'``, ``'lower-triangle'``, ``'lower-triangle'``} epsrel : float Relative error tolerance. subdiv_limit: int Maximal number of interval subdivisions for numerical integration. Returns ------- integral : float The numerical value for the two dimensional integral :math:`\eta_\mathrm{shape}`. """ raise NotImplementedError( "{} has no correlation_2d_integral implementation.".format( type(self).__name__))
[docs]class CustomCorrelations(BaseCorrelations): r""" Encodes a custom auto-correlation function .. math:: C(\tau) = C(t, t-\tau) = \langle F(t) F(t-\tau) \rangle_\mathrm{env} with time difference `tau` :math:`\tau` and :math:`F(t)` is the the environment part of the coupling operator in Heisenberg picture with respect to the environment Hamiltonian. We assume that :math:`C(\tau) = 0` for all :math:`\tau > \tau_\mathrm{max}`. Parameters ---------- correlation_function : callable The correlation function :math:`C`. name: str An optional name for the correlations. description: str An optional description of the correlations. """ def __init__( self, correlation_function: Callable[[float], float], name: Optional[Text] = None, description: Optional[Text] = None) -> None: """Creates a CustomCorrelations object. """ # check input: j_function try: tmp_correlation_function = np.vectorize(correlation_function) complex(tmp_correlation_function(1.0)) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Correlation function must be vectorizable " \ + "and must return float.") from e self.correlation_function = tmp_correlation_function super().__init__(name, description) def __str__(self) -> Text: ret = [] ret.append(super().__str__()) return "".join(ret)
[docs] def correlation( self, tau: ArrayLike, epsrel: Optional[float] = None, subdiv_limit: Optional[int] = None) -> ArrayLike: r""" Auto-correlation function. .. math:: C(\tau) = C(t, t-\tau) \ = \langle F(t) F(t-\tau) \rangle_\mathrm{env} with time difference `tau` :math:`\tau` and :math:`F(t)` is the the environment part of the coupling operator in Heisenberg picture with respect to the environment Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- tau : ndarray Time difference :math:`\tau` epsrel : float Relative error tolerance (has no effect here). subdiv_limit : int Maximal number of interval subdivisions for numerical integration (has no effect here). Returns ------- correlation : ndarray The auto-correlation function :math:`C(\tau)` at time :math:`\tau`. """ return self.correlation_function(tau)
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=2**10, typed=False) def correlation_2d_integral( self, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, shape: Optional[Text] = 'square', epsrel: Optional[float] = INTEGRATE_EPSREL, subdiv_limit: Optional[int] = SUBDIV_LIMIT) -> complex: r""" 2D integrals of the correlation function .. math:: \eta_\mathrm{square} = \int_{t_1}^{t_1+\Delta} \int_{0}^{\Delta} C(t'-t'') dt'' dt' \eta_\mathrm{upper-triangle} = \int_{t_1}^{t_1+\Delta} \int_{0}^{t'-t_1} C(t'-t'') dt'' dt' \eta_\mathrm{lower-triangle} = \int_{t_1}^{t_1+\Delta} \int_{t'-t_1}^{\Delta} C(t'-t'') dt'' dt' \eta_\mathrm{rectangle} = \int_{t_1}^{t_2} \int_{0}^{\Delta} C(t'-t'') dt'' dt' for `shape` either ``'square'``, ``'upper-triangle'``, ``'lower-triangle'``, or ``'rectangle'``. Parameters ---------- delta : float Length of integration intervals. time_1 : float Lower bound of integration interval of :math:`dt'`. time_2 : float Upper bound of integration interval of :math:`dt'` for `shape` = ``'rectangle'``. shape : str (default = ``'square'``) The shape of the 2D integral. Shapes are: {``'square'``, ``'upper-triangle'``, ``'lower-triangle'``, ``'lower-triangle'``} epsrel : float Relative error tolerance. subdiv_limit: int Maximal number of interval subdivisions for numerical integration. Returns ------- integral : float The numerical value for the two dimensional integral :math:`\eta_\mathrm{shape}`. """ c_real = lambda y, x: np.real(self.correlation(x-y)) c_imag = lambda y, x: np.imag(self.correlation(x-y)) if time_2 is None: time_2 = time_1 + delta else: assert shape == 'rectangle', \ "parameter 'time_2' can only be used in conjunction with " \ "'shape' = ``rectangle`` !" lower_boundary = {'square': lambda x: 0.0, 'upper-triangle': lambda x: 0.0, 'lower-triangle': lambda x: x-time_1, 'rectangle': lambda x: 0.0} upper_boundary = {'square': lambda x: delta, 'upper-triangle': lambda x: x-time_1, 'lower-triangle': lambda x: delta, 'rectangle': lambda x: delta,} int_real = integrate.dblquad(func=c_real, a=time_1, b=time_2, gfun=lower_boundary[shape], hfun=upper_boundary[shape], epsrel=epsrel)[0] int_imag = integrate.dblquad(func=c_imag, a=time_1, b=time_2, gfun=lower_boundary[shape], hfun=upper_boundary[shape], epsrel=epsrel)[0] return int_real+1.0j*int_imag
# === CORRELATIONS FROM SPECTRAL DENSITIES ==================================== # --- the cutoffs ------------------------------------------------------------- def _hard_cutoff(omega: ArrayLike, omega_c: float) -> ArrayLike: """Hard cutoff function.""" return np.heaviside(omega_c - omega, 0) def _exponential_cutoff(omega: ArrayLike, omega_c: float) -> ArrayLike: """Exponential cutoff function.""" return np.exp(-omega/omega_c) def _gaussian_cutoff(omega: ArrayLike, omega_c: float) -> ArrayLike: """Gaussian cutoff function.""" return np.exp(-(omega/omega_c)**2) # dictionary for the various cutoffs in the form: # 'cutoff_name': cutoff_function CUTOFF_DICT = { 'hard':_hard_cutoff, 'exponential':_exponential_cutoff, 'gaussian':_gaussian_cutoff, } # --- 2d integrals ------------------------------------------------------------ def _2d_square_integrand_real( omega: ArrayLike, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None) -> ArrayLike: """Integrand for real part of square 2D time integral at zero temperature without J(omega). """ return 1.0/omega**2 * 2 * np.cos(time_1*omega) * (1 - np.cos(delta*omega)) def _2d_square_integrand_real_t( omega: ArrayLike, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None) -> ArrayLike: """Integrand for real part of square 2D time integral at finite temperature without J(omega). """ integrand = 1.0/omega**2 * 2 * np.cos(time_1*omega) \ * (1 - np.cos(delta*omega)) return integrand / np.tanh(omega/(2*temperature)) def _2d_square_integrand_imag( omega: ArrayLike, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None) -> ArrayLike: """Integrand for imaginary part of square 2D time integral without J(omega). """ return -1.0/omega**2 * 2 * np.sin(time_1*omega) * (1 - np.cos(delta*omega)) def _2d_upper_triangle_integrand_real( omega: ArrayLike, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None) -> ArrayLike: """Integrand for real part of upper triangle 2D time integral at zero temperature without J(omega). """ return 1.0/omega**2 * (np.cos(omega*time_1) \ - np.cos(omega*(time_1+delta)) \ - omega * delta * np.sin(omega*time_1)) def _2d_upper_triangle_integrand_real_t( omega: ArrayLike, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None) -> ArrayLike: """Integrand for real part of upper triangle 2D time integral at finite temperature without J(omega). """ return 1.0/omega**2 * (np.cos(omega*time_1) \ - np.cos(omega*(time_1+delta)) \ - omega * delta * np.sin(omega*time_1)) \ / np.tanh(omega/(2*temperature)) def _2d_upper_triangle_integrand_imag( omega: ArrayLike, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None) -> ArrayLike: """Integrand for imaginary part of upper triangle 2D time integral without J(omega). """ return -1.0/omega**2 * (np.sin(omega*time_1) \ - np.sin(omega*(time_1+delta)) \ + omega * delta * np.cos(omega*time_1)) def _2d_lower_triangle_integrand_real( omega: ArrayLike, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None) -> ArrayLike: """Integrand for real part of lower triangle 2D time integral at zero temperature without J(omega). """ return 1.0/omega**2 * (np.cos(omega*time_1) \ - np.cos(omega*(time_1-delta)) \ + omega * delta * np.sin(omega*time_1)) def _2d_lower_triangle_integrand_real_t( omega: ArrayLike, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None) -> ArrayLike: """Integrand for real part of lower triangle 2D time integral at finite temperature without J(omega). """ return 1.0/omega**2 * (np.cos(omega*time_1) \ - np.cos(omega*(time_1-delta)) \ + omega * delta * np.sin(omega*time_1)) \ / np.tanh(omega/(2*temperature)) def _2d_lower_triangle_integrand_imag( omega: ArrayLike, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None) -> ArrayLike: """Integrand for imaginary part of lower triangle 2D time integral without J(omega). """ return -1.0/omega**2 * (np.sin(omega*time_1) - np.sin(omega*(time_1-delta)) - omega * delta * np.cos(omega*time_1)) def _2d_rectangle_integrand_real( omega: ArrayLike, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None) -> ArrayLike: """Integrand for real part of rectangle 2D time integral at zero temperature without J(omega). """ return 1.0/omega**2 * (np.cos((time_2 - delta) * omega) - np.cos((time_1 - delta) * omega) - np.cos(time_2 * omega) + np.cos(time_1 * omega)) def _2d_rectangle_integrand_real_t( omega: ArrayLike, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None) -> ArrayLike: """Integrand for real part of rectangle 2D time integral at finite temperature without J(omega). """ integrand = 1.0/omega**2 * (np.cos((time_2 - delta) * omega) - np.cos((time_1 - delta) * omega) - np.cos(time_2 * omega) + np.cos(time_1 * omega)) return integrand / np.tanh(omega/(2*temperature)) def _2d_rectangle_integrand_imag( omega: ArrayLike, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None) -> ArrayLike: """Integrand for imaginary part of rectangle 2D time integral without J(omega). """ return -1.0/omega**2 * (np.sin((time_2 - delta) * omega) - np.sin((time_1 - delta) * omega) - np.sin(time_2 * omega) + np.sin(time_1 * omega)) # dictionary for the various integrands for the 2d time integral INTEGRAND_DICT = { 'square': (_2d_square_integrand_real, _2d_square_integrand_real_t, _2d_square_integrand_imag), 'upper-triangle': (_2d_upper_triangle_integrand_real, _2d_upper_triangle_integrand_real_t, _2d_upper_triangle_integrand_imag), 'lower-triangle': (_2d_lower_triangle_integrand_real, _2d_lower_triangle_integrand_real_t, _2d_lower_triangle_integrand_imag), 'rectangle': (_2d_rectangle_integrand_real, _2d_rectangle_integrand_real_t, _2d_rectangle_integrand_imag), } # --- the spectral density classes --------------------------------------------
[docs]class CustomSD(BaseCorrelations): r""" Correlations corresponding to a custom spectral density. The resulting spectral density is .. math:: J(\omega) = j(\omega) X(\omega,\omega_c) , with `j_function` :math:`j`, `cutoff` :math:`\omega_c` and a cutoff type :math:`X`. If `cutoff_type` is - ``'hard'`` then :math:`X(\omega,\omega_c)=\Theta(\omega_c-\omega)`, where :math:`\Theta` is the Heaviside step function. - ``'exponential'`` then :math:`X(\omega,\omega_c)=\exp(-\omega/\omega_c)`. - ``'gaussian'`` then :math:`X(\omega,\omega_c)=\exp(-\omega^2/\omega_c^2)`. Parameters ---------- j_function : callable The spectral density :math:`j` without the cutoff. cutoff : float The cutoff frequency :math:`\omega_c`. cutoff_type : str (default = ``'exponential'``) The cutoff type. Types are: {``'hard'``, ``'exponential'``, ``'gaussian'``} temperature: float The environment's temperature. name: str An optional name for the correlations. description: str An optional description of the correlations. """ def __init__( self, j_function: Callable[[float], float], cutoff: float, cutoff_type: Optional[Text] = 'exponential', temperature: Optional[float] = 0.0, name: Optional[Text] = None, description: Optional[Text] = None) -> None: """Create a CustomFunctionSD (spectral density) object. """ # check input: j_function try: tmp_j_function = np.vectorize(j_function) float(tmp_j_function(1.0)) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Spectral density must be vectorizable " \ + "and must return float.") from e self.j_function = tmp_j_function # check input: cutoff try: tmp_cutoff = float(cutoff) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Cutoff must be a float.") from e self.cutoff = tmp_cutoff # check input: cutoff_type assert cutoff_type in CUTOFF_DICT, \ "Cutoff type must be one of: {}".format(CUTOFF_DICT.keys()) self.cutoff_type = cutoff_type # input check for temperature. try: tmp_temperature = float(temperature) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Temperature must be a float.") from e if tmp_temperature < 0.0: raise ValueError("Temperature must be >= 0.0 (but is {})".format( tmp_temperature)) self.temperature = tmp_temperature self._cutoff_function = \ lambda omega: CUTOFF_DICT[self.cutoff_type](omega, self.cutoff) self._spectral_density = \ lambda omega: self.j_function(omega) * self._cutoff_function(omega) super().__init__(name, description) def __str__(self) -> Text: ret = [] ret.append(super().__str__()) ret.append(" cutoff = {} \n".format(self.cutoff)) ret.append(" cutoff_type = {} \n".format(self.cutoff_type)) ret.append(" temperature = {} \n".format(self.temperature)) return "".join(ret)
[docs] def spectral_density(self, omega: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: r""" The resulting spectral density (including the cutoff). Parameters ---------- omega : ndarray The frequency :math:`\omega` for which we want to know the spectral density. Returns ------- spectral_density : ndarray The resulting spectral density :math:`J(\omega)` at the frequency :math:`\omega`. """ return self._spectral_density(omega)
[docs] def correlation( self, tau: ArrayLike, epsrel: Optional[float] = INTEGRATE_EPSREL, subdiv_limit: Optional[int] = SUBDIV_LIMIT) -> ArrayLike: r""" Auto-correlation function associated to the spectral density at the given temperature :math:`T` .. math:: C(\tau) = \int_0^{\infty} J(\omega) \ \left[ \cos(\omega \tau) \ \coth\left( \frac{\omega}{2 T}\right) \ - i \sin(\omega \tau) \right] \mathrm{d}\omega . with time difference `tau` :math:`\tau`. Parameters ---------- tau : ndarray Time difference :math:`\tau` epsrel : float Relative error tolerance. subdiv_limit: int Maximal number of interval subdivisions for numerical integration. Returns ------- correlation : ndarray The auto-correlation function :math:`C(\tau)` at time :math:`\tau`. """ # real and imaginary part of the integrand if self.temperature == 0.0: re_integrand = lambda w: self._spectral_density(w) * np.cos(w*tau) else: re_integrand = lambda w: self._spectral_density(w) * np.cos(w*tau) \ / np.tanh(w/(2.0*self.temperature)) im_integrand = lambda w: -1.0 * self._spectral_density(w) \ * np.sin(w*tau) # real and imaginary part of the integral re_int = integrate.quad(re_integrand, a=0.0, b=self.cutoff, epsrel=epsrel, limit=subdiv_limit)[0] im_int = integrate.quad(im_integrand, a=0.0, b=self.cutoff, epsrel=epsrel, limit=subdiv_limit)[0] if self.cutoff_type != "hard": re_int += integrate.quad(re_integrand, a=self.cutoff, b=np.inf, epsrel=epsrel, limit=subdiv_limit)[0] im_int += integrate.quad(im_integrand, a=self.cutoff, b=np.inf, epsrel=epsrel, limit=subdiv_limit)[0] return re_int+1j*im_int
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=2**10, typed=False) def correlation_2d_integral( self, delta: float, time_1: float, time_2: Optional[float] = None, shape: Optional[Text] = 'square', epsrel: Optional[float] = INTEGRATE_EPSREL, subdiv_limit: Optional[int] = SUBDIV_LIMIT) -> complex: r""" 2D integrals of the correlation function .. math:: \eta_\mathrm{square} = \int_{t_1}^{t_1+\Delta} \int_{0}^{\Delta} C(t'-t'') dt'' dt' \eta_\mathrm{upper-triangle} = \int_{t_1}^{t_1+\Delta} \int_{0}^{t'-t_1} C(t'-t'') dt'' dt' \eta_\mathrm{lower-triangle} = \int_{t_1}^{t_1+\Delta} \int_{t'-t_1}^{\Delta} C(t'-t'') dt'' dt' \eta_\mathrm{rectangle} = \int_{t_1}^{t_2} \int_{0}^{\Delta} C(t'-t'') dt'' dt' for `shape` either ``'square'``, ``'upper-triangle'``, ``'lower-triangle'``, or ``'rectangle'``. Parameters ---------- delta : float Length of integration intervals. time_1 : float Lower bound of integration interval of :math:`dt'`. time_2 : float Upper bound of integration interval of :math:`dt'` for `shape` = ``'rectangle'``. shape : str (default = ``'square'``) The shape of the 2D integral. Shapes are: {``'square'``, ``'upper-triangle'``, ``'lower-triangle'``, ``'lower-triangle'``} epsrel : float Relative error tolerance. subdiv_limit: int Maximal number of interval subdivisions for numerical integration. Returns ------- integral : float The numerical value for the two dimensional integral :math:`\eta_\mathrm{shape}`. """ # real and imaginary part of the integrand if self.temperature == 0.0: re_integrand = lambda w: \ self._spectral_density(w) \ * INTEGRAND_DICT[shape][0](w, delta, time_1, time_2, self.temperature) else: re_integrand = lambda w: \ self._spectral_density(w) \ * INTEGRAND_DICT[shape][1](w, delta, time_1, time_2, self.temperature) im_integrand = lambda w: \ self._spectral_density(w) \ * INTEGRAND_DICT[shape][2](w, delta, time_1, time_2, self.temperature) # real and imaginary part of the integral re_int = integrate.quad(re_integrand, a=0.0, b=self.cutoff, epsrel=epsrel, limit=subdiv_limit)[0] im_int = integrate.quad(im_integrand, a=0.0, b=self.cutoff, epsrel=epsrel, limit=subdiv_limit)[0] if self.cutoff_type != "hard": re_int += integrate.quad(re_integrand, a=self.cutoff, b=np.inf, epsrel=epsrel, limit=subdiv_limit)[0] im_int += integrate.quad(im_integrand, a=self.cutoff, b=np.inf, epsrel=epsrel, limit=subdiv_limit)[0] return re_int+1j*im_int
[docs]class PowerLawSD(CustomSD): r""" Correlations corresponding to the spectral density of the standard form .. math:: J(\omega) = 2 \alpha \frac{\omega^\zeta}{\omega_c^{\zeta-1}} \ X(\omega,\omega_c) with `alpha` :math:`\alpha`, `zeta` :math:`\zeta` and a cutoff type :math:`X`. If `cutoff_type` is - ``'hard'`` then :math:`X(\omega,\omega_c)=\Theta(\omega_c-\omega)`, where :math:`\Theta` is the Heaviside step function. - ``'exponential'`` then :math:`X(\omega,\omega_c)=\exp(-\omega/\omega_c)`. - ``'gaussian'`` then :math:`X(\omega,\omega_c)=\exp(-\omega^2/\omega_c^2)`. Parameters ---------- alpha : float The coupling strength :math:`\alpha`. zeta : float The exponent :math:`\zeta` (corresponds to the dimensionality of the environment). The environment is called *ohmic* if :math:`\zeta=1`, *superohmic* if :math:`\zeta>1` and *subohmic* if :math:`\zeta<1` cutoff : float The cutoff frequency :math:`\omega_c`. cutoff_type : str (default = ``'exponential'``) The cutoff type. Types are: {``'hard'``, ``'exponential'``, ``'gaussian'``} temperature: float The environment's temperature. name: str An optional name for the correlations. description: str An optional description of the correlations. """ def __init__( self, alpha: float, zeta: float, cutoff: float, cutoff_type: Text = 'exponential', temperature: Optional[float] = 0.0, name: Optional[Text] = None, description: Optional[Text] = None) -> None: """Create a StandardSD (spectral density) object. """ # check input: alpha try: tmp_alpha = float(alpha) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Alpha must be a float.") from e self.alpha = tmp_alpha # check input: zeta try: tmp_zeta = float(zeta) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Nu must be a float.") from e self.zeta = tmp_zeta # check input: cutoff try: tmp_cutoff = float(cutoff) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Cutoff must be a float.") from e self.cutoff = tmp_cutoff # use parent class for all the rest. j_function = lambda w: 2.0 * self.alpha * w**self.zeta \ * self.cutoff**(1-zeta) super().__init__(j_function, cutoff=cutoff, cutoff_type=cutoff_type, temperature=temperature, name=name, description=description) def __str__(self) -> Text: ret = [] ret.append(super().__str__()) ret.append(" alpha = {} \n".format(self.alpha)) ret.append(" zeta = {} \n".format(self.zeta)) return "".join(ret)