Source code for oqupy.tempo

# Copyright 2022 The TEMPO Collaboration
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file  in compliance with the License.
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Module on for the original time evolving matrix product operator (TEMPO)
algorithm. This module is based on [Strathearn2017] and [Strathearn2018].

A. Strathearn, B.W. Lovett, and P. Kirton, *Efficient real-time path integrals
for non-Markovian spin-boson models*. New Journal of Physics, 19(9),
p.093009 (2017).

A. Strathearn, P. Kirton, D. Kilda, J. Keeling and
B. W. Lovett,  *Efficient non-Markovian quantum dynamics using
time-evolving matrix product operators*, Nat. Commun. 9, 3322 (2018).

import sys
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Text, Tuple, Union
import warnings
from copy import copy

import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray
from scipy.linalg import expm
from scipy import integrate

from oqupy.bath import Bath
from oqupy.base_api import BaseAPIClass
from oqupy.config import NpDtype, MAX_DKMAX, DEFAULT_TOLERANCE
from oqupy.config import INTEGRATE_EPSREL, SUBDIV_LIMIT
from oqupy.config import TEMPO_BACKEND_CONFIG
from oqupy.correlations import BaseCorrelations
from oqupy.dynamics import Dynamics, DynamicsWithField
from oqupy.operators import commutator, acommutator
from oqupy.system import BaseSystem, System, TimeDependentSystem,\
from oqupy.backends.tempo_backend import TempoBackend
from oqupy.backends.tempo_backend import TempoWithFieldBackend
from oqupy.util import get_progress

[docs]class TempoParameters(BaseAPIClass): r""" Parameters for the TEMPO computation. Parameters ---------- dt: float Length of a time step :math:`\delta t`. - It should be small enough such that a trotterisation between the system Hamiltonian and the environment it valid, and the environment auto-correlation function is reasonably well sampled. dkmax: int Number of time steps :math:`K\in\mathbb{N}` that should be included in the non-Markovian memory. - It must be large enough such that :math:`\delta t \times K` is larger than the necessary memory time :math:`\tau_\mathrm{cut}`. epsrel: float The maximal relative error in the singular value truncation (done in the underlying tensor network algorithm). - It must be small enough such that the numerical compression (using tensor network algorithms) does not truncate relevant correlations. add_correlation_time: float Additional correlation time to include in the last influence functional as explained in [Strathearn2017]. name: str (default = None) An optional name for the tempo parameters object. description: str (default = None) An optional description of the tempo parameters object. """ def __init__( self, dt: float, dkmax: int, epsrel: float, add_correlation_time: Optional[float] = None, name: Optional[Text] = None, description: Optional[Text] = None) -> None: """Create a TempoParameters object.""" self.dt = dt self.dkmax = dkmax self.epsrel = epsrel self.add_correlation_time = add_correlation_time super().__init__(name, description) def __str__(self) -> Text: ret = [] ret.append(super().__str__()) ret.append(" dt = {} \n".format(self.dt)) ret.append(" dkmax = {} \n".format(self.dkmax)) ret.append(" epsrel = {} \n".format(self.epsrel)) ret.append(" add_correlation_time = {} \n".format( self.add_correlation_time)) return "".join(ret) @property def dt(self) -> float: """Length of a time step.""" return self._dt @dt.setter def dt(self, new_dt: float) -> None: try: tmp_dt = float(new_dt) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Argument 'dt' must be float.") from e assert tmp_dt > 0.0, \ "Argument 'dt' must be bigger than 0." self._dt = tmp_dt @property def dkmax(self) -> float: """Number of time steps that should be included in the non-Markovian memory. """ return self._dkmax @dkmax.setter def dkmax(self, new_dkmax: float) -> None: try: if new_dkmax is None: tmp_dkmax = None else: tmp_dkmax = int(new_dkmax) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Argument 'dkmax' must be int or None.") \ from e assert tmp_dkmax is None or tmp_dkmax > 0, \ "Argument 'dkmax' must be bigger than or equal to 0 or None." self._dkmax = tmp_dkmax @dkmax.deleter def dkmax(self) -> None: self._dkmax = None @property def epsrel(self) -> float: """The maximal relative error in the singular value truncation.""" return self._epsrel @epsrel.setter def epsrel(self, new_epsrel: float) -> None: try: tmp_epsrel = float(new_epsrel) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Argument 'epsrel' must be float.") from e assert tmp_epsrel > 0.0, \ "Argument 'epsrel' must be bigger than 0." self._epsrel = tmp_epsrel @property def add_correlation_time(self) -> float: """ Additional correlation time to include in the last influence functional. """ return self._add_correlation_time @add_correlation_time.setter def add_correlation_time(self, new_tau: Optional[float] = None) -> None: if new_tau is None: del self.add_correlation_time else: # check input: cutoff try: tmp_new_tau = float(new_tau) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError( \ "Additional correlation time must be a float.") from e if tmp_new_tau < 0: raise ValueError( "Additional correlation time must be non-negative.") self._add_correlation_time = tmp_new_tau @add_correlation_time.deleter def add_correlation_time(self) -> None: self._add_correlation_time = None
[docs]class BaseTempo(BaseAPIClass): """ Base class for all TEMPO objects. Parameters ---------- bath: Bath The Bath (includes the coupling operator to the system). parameters: TempoParameters The parameters for the TEMPO computation. initial_state: ndarray The initial density matrix of the system. start_time: float The start time. backend_config: dict (default = None) The configuration of the backend. If `backend_config` is ``None`` then the default backend configuration is used. name: str (default = None) An optional name for the tempo object. description: str (default = None) An optional description of the tempo object. """ def __init__( self, bath: Bath, parameters: TempoParameters, initial_state: ndarray, start_time: float, backend_config: Optional[Dict] = None, name: Optional[Text] = None, description: Optional[Text] = None) -> None: """Create a BaseTempo object. """ assert isinstance(bath, Bath), \ "Argument 'bath' must be an instance of Bath." self._bath = bath self._correlations = self._bath.correlations assert isinstance(parameters, TempoParameters), \ "Argument 'parameters' must be an instance of TempoParameters." self._parameters = parameters try: tmp_initial_state = np.array(initial_state, dtype=NpDtype) tmp_initial_state.setflags(write=False) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Initial state must be numpy array.") from e assert len(tmp_initial_state.shape) == 2, \ "Initial state is not a matrix." assert tmp_initial_state.shape[0] == \ tmp_initial_state.shape[1], \ "Initial state is not a square matrix." self._initial_state = tmp_initial_state self._dimension = self._initial_state.shape[0] try: tmp_start_time = float(start_time) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Start time must be a float.") from e self._start_time = tmp_start_time if backend_config is None: self._backend_config = TEMPO_BACKEND_CONFIG else: self._backend_config = backend_config assert self._bath.dimension == self._dimension, \ "Hilbertspace dimensions are unequal: " \ + "initial state ({}), ".format(self._dimension) \ + "and bath coupling ({}).".format(self._bath.dimension) super().__init__(name, description) tmp_coupling_comm = commutator(self._bath._coupling_operator) tmp_coupling_acomm = acommutator(self._bath._coupling_operator) self._coupling_comm = tmp_coupling_comm.diagonal() self._coupling_acomm = tmp_coupling_acomm.diagonal() self._dynamics = None self._backend_instance = None def _influence(self, dk: int) -> ndarray: """Create the influence functional matrix for a time step distance of dk. """ return influence_matrix( dk, parameters=self._parameters, correlations=self._correlations, coupling_acomm=self._coupling_acomm, coupling_comm=self._coupling_comm) def _time(self, step: int) -> float: """Return the time that corresponds to the time step `step`. """ return self._start_time + float(step)*self._parameters.dt def _get_num_step(self, start_step: int, end_time: float) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Return the number of steps required from start_step to reach end_time""" end_step = int((end_time - self._start_time)/self._parameters.dt) num_step = max(0, end_step - start_step) return num_step @property def dimension(self) -> ndarray: """Hilbert space dimension. """ return copy(self._dimension)
[docs]class Tempo(BaseTempo): """ Class representing the entire TEMPO tensornetwork as introduced in [Strathearn2018]. Parameters ---------- system: System or TimeDependentSystem The system. bath: Bath The Bath (includes the coupling operator to the system). parameters: TempoParameters The parameters for the TEMPO computation. initial_state: ndarray The initial density matrix of the system. start_time: float The start time. backend_config: dict (default = None) The configuration of the backend. If `backend_config` is ``None`` then the default backend configuration is used. name: str (default = None) An optional name for the tempo object. description: str (default = None) An optional description of the tempo object. """ def __init__( self, system: Union[System, TimeDependentSystem], bath: Bath, parameters: TempoParameters, initial_state: ndarray, start_time: float, backend_config: Optional[Dict] = None, name: Optional[Text] = None, description: Optional[Text] = None) -> None: """Create a Tempo object. """ assert isinstance(system, BaseSystem), \ "Argument 'system' must be an instance of BaseSystem." self._system = system super().__init__( bath, parameters, initial_state, start_time, backend_config, name, description) assert self._system.dimension == self._dimension, \ "Hilbertspace dimensions are unequal: " \ + "system ({}), ".format(self._system.dimension) \ + "initial state ({}), ".format(self._dimension) \ + "and bath coupling ({}), ".format(self._bath.dimension) self._prepare_backend() def _prepare_backend(self): """Create and initialize the TEMPO backend. """ dim = self._dimension initial_state = self._initial_state.reshape(dim**2) influence = self._influence unitary_transform = self._bath.unitary_transform propagators = self._propagators sum_north = np.array([1.0]*(dim**2)) sum_west = np.array([1.0]*(dim**2)) dkmax = self._parameters.dkmax epsrel = self._parameters.epsrel self._backend_instance = TempoBackend( initial_state, influence, unitary_transform, propagators, sum_north, sum_west, dkmax, epsrel, config=self._backend_config) def _init_dynamics(self): """Create a Dynamics object with metadata from the Tempo object. """ name = None description = "computed from '{}' tempo".format( self._dynamics = Dynamics(name=name, description=description) def _propagators(self, step: int): """Create the system propagators (first and second half) for the time step `step`. """ dt = self._parameters.dt if isinstance(self._system, TimeDependentSystem): t = self._time(step) first_step = expm(self._system.liouvillian(t+dt/4.0)*dt/2.0) second_step = expm(self._system.liouvillian(t+dt*3.0/4.0)*dt/2.0) else: first_step = expm(self._system.liouvillian()*dt/2.0) second_step = expm(self._system.liouvillian()*dt/2.0) return first_step, second_step
[docs] def compute( self, end_time: float, progress_type: Text = None) -> Dynamics: """ Propagate (or continue to propagate) the TEMPO tensor network to time `end_time`. Parameters ---------- end_time: float The time to which the TEMPO should be computed. progress_type: str (default = None) The progress report type during the computation. Types are: {``'silent'``, ``'simple'``, ``'bar'``}. If `None` then the default progress type is used. Returns ------- dynamics: Dynamics The instance of Dynamics associated with the TEMPO object. """ tmp_end_time = _check_time(end_time) dim = self._dimension if self._backend_instance.step is None: step, state = self._backend_instance.initialize() self._init_dynamics() self._dynamics.add(self._time(step), state.reshape(dim, dim)) start_step = self._backend_instance.step num_step = self._get_num_step(start_step, tmp_end_time) progress = get_progress(progress_type) title = "--> TEMPO computation:" with progress(num_step, title) as prog_bar: for i in range(num_step): prog_bar.update(i) step, state = self._backend_instance.compute_step() self._dynamics.add(self._time(step), state.reshape(dim, dim)) prog_bar.update(num_step) return self._dynamics
[docs] def get_dynamics(self) -> Dynamics: """Returns the instance of Dynamics associated with the Tempo object. """ return self._dynamics
[docs]class TempoWithField(BaseTempo): r""" Class representing the TEMPO tensornetwork with coherent field evolution as introduced in [FowlerWright2021]. Parameters ---------- system: TimeDependentSystemWithField The (time-dependent) system with a coherent field. bath: Bath The Bath (includes the coupling operator to the system). parameters: TempoParameters The parameters for the TEMPO computation. initial_state: ndarray The initial density matrix of the system. initial_field: complex The initial field value. start_time: float The start time. subdiv_limit: int (default = config.SUBDIV_LIMIT) The maximum number of subdivisions used during the adaptive algorithm when integrating the system Liouvillian. If None then the Liouvillian is not integrated but sampled twice to to construct the system propagators at each timestep. epsrel: float (default = config.INTEGRATE_EPSREL) The relative error tolerance for the adaptive algorithm when integrating the system Liouvillian. backend_config: dict (default = None) The configuration of the backend. If `backend_config` is ``None`` then the default backend configuration is used. name: str (default = None) An optional name for the tempo object. description: str (default = None) An optional description of the tempo object. """ def __init__( self, system: TimeDependentSystemWithField, bath: Bath, parameters: TempoParameters, initial_state: ndarray, initial_field: complex, start_time: float, subdiv_limit: Optional[int] = SUBDIV_LIMIT, epsrel: Optional[float] = INTEGRATE_EPSREL, backend_config: Optional[Dict] = None, name: Optional[Text] = None, description: Optional[Text] = None) -> None: """Create a TempoWithField object. """ assert isinstance(system, TimeDependentSystemWithField), \ "Argument 'system' must be an instance of " \ "TimeDependentSystemWithField." self._system = system super().__init__( bath, parameters, initial_state, start_time, backend_config, name, description) try: tmp_field = complex(initial_field) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Argument `initial_field` must be "\ " complex.") from e self._initial_field = tmp_field try: tmp_epsrel = float(epsrel) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Argument `epsrel` must be float.") from e self.epsrel = tmp_epsrel if subdiv_limit is not None: try: tmp_subdiv_limit = int(subdiv_limit) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Argument `subdiv_limit` must be "\ "int.") from e else: tmp_subdiv_limit = None self.subdiv_limit = tmp_subdiv_limit self._prepare_backend() def _prepare_backend(self): """Create and initialize the TempoWithField backend. """ dim = self._dimension initial_state = self._initial_state.reshape(dim**2) initial_field = self._initial_field influence = self._influence unitary_transform = self._bath.unitary_transform propagators = self._propagators compute_field = self._compute_field sum_north = np.array([1.0]*(dim**2)) sum_west = np.array([1.0]*(dim**2)) dkmax = self._parameters.dkmax epsrel = self._parameters.epsrel self._backend_instance = TempoWithFieldBackend( initial_state, initial_field, influence, unitary_transform, propagators, compute_field, sum_north, sum_west, dkmax, epsrel, config=self._backend_config) def _init_dynamics(self): """Create a DynamicsWithField object with metadata from the TempoWithField object. """ name = None description = "computed from '{}' TempoWithField".format( self._dynamics = DynamicsWithField(name=name, description=description) def _propagators(self, step: int, state: ndarray, field: complex): """Create the system propagators (first and second half) for the time step `step`. Samples system Liouvillian if `self.subdiv_limit` is None, otherwise integrates this operator numerically.""" dt = self._parameters.dt t0 = self._time(step) # SAMPLE if self.subdiv_limit is None: first_step = expm( self._system.liouvillian( t0, t0+dt/4.0, state, field)*dt/2.0) second_step = expm( self._system.liouvillian( t0, t0+dt*3.0/4.0, state, field)*dt/2.0) return first_step, second_step # ADAPTIVE liouvillian = lambda t: self._system.liouvillian(t0, t, state, field) first_step = expm(integrate.quad_vec(f=liouvillian, a=t0, b=t0+dt/2.0, epsrel=self.epsrel, limit=self.subdiv_limit)[0]) second_step = expm(integrate.quad_vec(f=liouvillian, a=t0+dt/2.0, b=t0+dt, epsrel=self.epsrel, limit=self.subdiv_limit)[0]) return first_step, second_step def _compute_field(self, step:int, state: ndarray, field: complex, next_state: Optional[ndarray] = None): r"""Compute the field value for the time step `step`. """ dt = self._parameters.dt t = self._time(step) field_eom = self._system.field_eom state = state.reshape((self._dimension, self._dimension)) rk1 = field_eom(t, state, field) if next_state is None: return rk1 * dt next_state = next_state.reshape((self._dimension, self._dimension)) rk2 = field_eom(t + dt, next_state, field + rk1 * dt) return field + dt * (rk1 + rk2) / 2
[docs] def compute( self, end_time: float, progress_type: Text = None) -> DynamicsWithField: """ Propagate (or continue to propagate) the TEMPO tensor network and coherent field to time `end_time`. Parameters ---------- end_time: float The time to which the TEMPO should be computed. progress_type: str (default = None) The progress report type during the computation. Types are: {``'silent'``, ``'simple'``, ``'bar'``}. If `None` then the default progress type is used. Returns ------- dynamics: DynamicsWithFields The instance of DynamicsWithField associated with the TempoWithField object. """ tmp_end_time = _check_time(end_time) dim = self._dimension if self._backend_instance.step is None: step, state, field = self._backend_instance.initialize() self._init_dynamics() self._dynamics.add(self._time(step), state.reshape(dim, dim), field) start_step = self._backend_instance.step num_step = self._get_num_step(start_step, tmp_end_time) progress = get_progress(progress_type) title = "--> TEMPO-with-field computation:" with progress(num_step, title) as prog_bar: for i in range(num_step): prog_bar.update(i) step, state, field = self._backend_instance.compute_step() self._dynamics.add( self._time(step), state.reshape(dim, dim), field) prog_bar.update(num_step) return self._dynamics
[docs] def get_dynamics(self) -> DynamicsWithField: """Returns DynamicsWithField instance associated with the Tempo object. """ return self._dynamics
def _check_time(end_time): """input check on end time of a tempo computation""" try: tmp_end_time = float(end_time) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("End time must be a float.") from e return tmp_end_time
[docs]def influence_matrix( dk: int, parameters: TempoParameters, correlations: BaseCorrelations, coupling_acomm: ndarray, coupling_comm: ndarray): """Compute the influence functional matrix. """ dt = parameters.dt dkmax = parameters.dkmax if dk == 0: time_1 = 0.0 time_2 = None shape = "upper-triangle" elif dk < 0: time_1 = float(dkmax) * dt if parameters.add_correlation_time is not None: time_2 = float(dkmax) * dt \ + np.min([float(-dk) * dt, 1.0*dt + parameters.add_correlation_time]) else: return None shape = "rectangle" else: time_1 = float(dk) * dt time_2 = None shape = "square" eta_dk = correlations.correlation_2d_integral( \ delta=dt, time_1=time_1, time_2=time_2, shape=shape, epsrel=parameters.epsrel) op_p = coupling_acomm op_m = coupling_comm if dk == 0: infl = np.diag(np.exp(-op_m*(eta_dk.real*op_m \ + 1j*eta_dk.imag*op_p))) else: infl = np.exp(-np.outer(eta_dk.real*op_m \ + 1j*eta_dk.imag*op_p, op_m)) return infl
def _analyse_correlation( corr_func: Callable[[np.ndarray],np.ndarray], times: np.ndarray, corr_vals: np.ndarray): """Check correlation function on a finer grid.""" additional_times = (times[:-1] + times[1:])/2.0 additional_corr_vals = corr_func(additional_times) new_times = list(times) new_corr_vals = list(corr_vals) for i in range(len(additional_times)): new_times.insert(2*i+1,additional_times[i]) new_corr_vals.insert(2*i+1,additional_corr_vals[i]) errors = [] integrals = [] integral = 0.0 for i in range(len(times)-1): dt = new_times[2*i+2] - new_times[2*i] rough_int = 0.5 * dt * (new_corr_vals[2*i] + new_corr_vals[2*i+2]) fine_int = 0.5 * (rough_int + dt * new_corr_vals[2*i+1]) error = np.abs(rough_int-fine_int) errors.append(error) rough_abs_int = 0.5 * dt \ * (np.abs(new_corr_vals[2*i]) + np.abs(new_corr_vals[2*i+2])) fine_abs_int = 0.5 * (rough_abs_int + dt * np.abs(new_corr_vals[2*i+1])) integral += fine_abs_int integrals.append(integral) full_abs_integral = integrals[-1] new_times = np.array(new_times) new_corr_val = np.array(new_corr_vals) errors = np.array(errors) / full_abs_integral integrals = np.array(integrals) / full_abs_integral return new_times, new_corr_val, errors, integrals def _estimate_epsrel( dkmax: int, tolerance: float) -> float: """Heuristic estimation of appropriate epsrel for TEMPO.""" power = np.log(dkmax)/np.log(4)-np.log(tolerance)/np.log(10) return np.power(10,-power) GUESS_WARNING_MSG = "Estimating parameters for TEMPO computation. " \ + "No guarantee that resulting TEMPO computation converges towards " \ + "the correct dynamics! " \ + "Please refer to the TEMPO documentation and check convergence by " \ + "varying the parameters for TEMPO manually." MAX_DKMAX_WARNING_MSG = f"Reached maximal recommended `dkmax` ({MAX_DKMAX})! " \ + "Interrupt TEMPO parameter estimation. "\ + "Please choose a lower tolerance, or analyse the correlation function " \ + "to choose TEMPO parameters manually. " \ + "Could not reach specified tolerance! "
[docs]def guess_tempo_parameters( bath: Bath, start_time: float, end_time: float, system: Optional[BaseSystem] = None, tolerance: Optional[float] = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE) -> TempoParameters: """ Function to roughly estimate appropriate parameters for a TEMPO computation. .. warning:: No guarantee that resulting TEMPO calculation converges towards the correct dynamics! Please refer to the TEMPO documentation and check convergence by varying the parameters for TEMPO manually. Parameters ---------- bath: Bath The bath. start_time: float The start time. end_time: float The time to which the TEMPO should be computed. system: BaseSystem The system. tolerance: float Tolerance for the parameter estimation. Returns ------- tempo_parameters : TempoParameters Estimate of appropriate tempo parameters. """ assert isinstance(bath, Bath), \ "Argument 'bath' must be a oqupy.Bath object." try: tmp_start_time = float(start_time) tmp_end_time = float(end_time) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Start and end time must be a float.") from e if tmp_end_time <= tmp_start_time: raise ValueError("End time must be bigger than start time.") assert isinstance(system, (type(None), BaseSystem)), \ "Argument 'system' must be 'None' or a oqupy.BaseSystem object." try: tmp_tolerance = float(tolerance) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError("Argument 'tolerance' must be float.") from e assert tmp_tolerance > 0.0, \ "Argument 'tolerance' must be larger then 0." warnings.warn(GUESS_WARNING_MSG, UserWarning) print("WARNING: "+GUESS_WARNING_MSG, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) max_tau = tmp_end_time - tmp_start_time corr_func = np.vectorize(bath.correlations.correlation) new_times = np.linspace(0, max_tau, 11, endpoint=True) new_corr_vals = corr_func(new_times) times = new_times corr_vals = new_corr_vals while True: if len(new_times) > MAX_DKMAX: warnings.warn(MAX_DKMAX_WARNING_MSG, UserWarning) break times = new_times corr_vals = new_corr_vals new_times, new_corr_vals, errors, integrals = \ _analyse_correlation(corr_func, times, corr_vals) cut = np.where(integrals>(1-tolerance))[0][0] cut = cut+2 if cut+2<=len(times) else len(times) times = times[:cut] corr_vals = corr_vals[:cut] new_times = new_times[:2*cut-1] new_corr_vals = new_corr_vals[:2*cut-1] if (errors < tolerance).all(): break dt = np.min(times[1:] - times[:-1]) dkmax = len(times) epsrel = _estimate_epsrel(dkmax, tolerance) sys.stderr.flush() return TempoParameters( dt=dt, dkmax=dkmax, epsrel=epsrel, name="Roughly estimated parameters", description="Estimated with 'guess_tempo_parameters()'")
[docs]def tempo_compute( system: BaseSystem, bath: Bath, initial_state: ndarray, start_time: float, end_time: float, parameters: Optional[TempoParameters] = None, tolerance: Optional[float] = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE, backend_config: Optional[Dict] = None, progress_type: Optional[Text] = None, name: Optional[Text] = None, description: Optional[Text] = None) -> Dynamics: """ Shortcut for creating a Tempo object and running the computation. Parameters ---------- system: BaseSystem The system. bath: Bath The Bath (includes the coupling operator to the system). initial_state: ndarray The initial density matrix of the system. start_time: float The start time. end_time: float The time to which the TEMPO should be computed. parameters: TempoParameters The parameters for the TEMPO computation. tolerance: float Tolerance for the parameter estimation (only applicable if `parameters` is None). backend_config: dict (default = None) The configuration of the backend. If `backend_config` is ``None`` then the default backend configuration is used. progress_type: str (default = None) The progress report type during the computation. Types are: {``'silent'``, ``'simple'``, ``'bar'``}. If `None` then the default progress type is used. name: str (default = None) An optional name for the tempo object. description: str (default = None) An optional description of the tempo object. """ if parameters is None: assert tolerance is not None, \ "If 'parameters' is 'None' then 'tolerance' must be " \ + "a positive float." parameters = guess_tempo_parameters(bath=bath, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, system=system, tolerance=tolerance) tempo = Tempo(system, bath, parameters, initial_state, start_time, backend_config, name, description) tempo.compute(end_time, progress_type=progress_type) return tempo.get_dynamics()